Sunday, May 6, 2012

Running Down Broad

Spoiler Alert: We finished. :)


It was my very first race, you know. I've been pretty pumped about it for a while, as you might recall. And today, the day was finally here! :)

I found some friends! :)

I don't have any fancy splits. Or intricate details. But I can tell you all about it if you'd like!

Mile One

I had some pretty intense nervous jitters. I think I drove Paul a little crazy. I had underestimated my speed way back when we started training and I was all paranoid about starting in a different corral. WHATEVER. But this mile was just unforgettable. The feeling to finally be racing after all I've put into it? Brilliant.

Mile Two

I knew my friend Emma was coming up at a water station so Paul and I desperately tried to look for her. I spotted her face and literally flew up in the air and called her name so I could wave. It was wonderful. And I'm so thankful for her (and the rest of the volunteers)!

Nick Keith, if you are reading this, yes I stole this from your Facebook. :)

Mile Three

We were starting to hit Temple area here. I was SO excited to see some of my girls out there bright and early supporting! I sprinted over to Audrey to hug her and the lady behind me said "I NEED ONE OF THOSE! Where's mine??" It was cute and I was so excited. Then I saw Laura and Alice and their sign and I jumped up and down for them as well. :)

Mile Four

I don't remember this mile specifically, but I remember a WHOLE bunch of people cheering and me smiling my face off like a goof. And I still spilled water all over my face. I hadn't gotten the trick of water stations down yet.

Mile Five

My mom and dad came to cheer us on!! That was our excitement for this mile. :)

Check the excitement. Can you see it?

Mile Six

Chugging along. I wish I had more to say about this mile. But alas, I do not. I think I may have mastered the water coming up though!!!

Mile Seven

We decided to cheers with some sports beans here. I could tell I was getting a little worn out and I knew I was ready to push the last couple of miles. So we swiftly took some beans and water and kept running!

Hey little guys! You did me well. :)

Mile Eight

Halfway through this, somebody shouted "YOU ONLY HAVE A MILE TO GO!" They lied.

Mile Nine

Running past the stadiums was really cool. :) Especially because Paul and I bought tickets to see the Phils play tomorrow night at the last minute. Sort of as a celebration. Sort of because we're addicted to Crab Fries Phillies games. But my mom and dad sped down here so they could see us again!

I was too speedy, clearly. But who's that handsome guy?

Mile Ten: THE END!!!!!

Crossing the finish line was completely unreal. I felt so great the entire race. I never doubted myself for a second. And I ALMOST cried as we approached the finish line. It was so overwhelmingly exciting. And of course Paul and I finished holding hands and screaming our heads off. Can't wait to see a picture of that. :)

FINISH TIME-1:46:00 on the nose :)

Look at our medals, ma!

I want to congratulate every single runner today! I know it was a HUGE race so it was a little crazy, but I absolutely loved it. I know I'm not a crazy fast runner, but I'm really proud of myself for doing this. It was a great, great day!

It also sparked some sign-up interest in me. :)

I also want to thank those who donated to Uplifting Athletes in my name. I got to $300! Could be more, but it's still three hundred smackaroons!

"My" donation is really from my two aunts that sent me checks!

Did you run any races this Sunday? What about Broad Street?

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