Thursday, April 5, 2012

Am I Doing This Right?

I have done everything on my training plan this week like a good little girl. Yesterday that included going to a yoga class at my school's fitness center.

This is exactly what it was like, I can assure you.

Guys, I really want to be good at yoga. You know. That whole dancing thing kind of requires some flexibility. And I was REALLY tight after my sunset run on Tuesday. So I know I needed it. I forgot to bring my mat to school, but didn't let that excuse me and used the junky ones at the fitness center that a million other people sweat on.

But whatever.

I liked the instructor for the most part. She had some nice calming music going on in the background, which I fully appreciated. She had us do some balances too, which were super fun. But like. Did we really have to go into Downward Dog four hundred times? Am I missing something? I don't even think I'm doing the freaking thing right and I actually know how to do that one. Second guessing myself is my number one talent.

Somehow I don't think I can do that one.

I know the point of yoga goes way beyond being good at it and being flexible. Am I doing everything wrong? How do I do it right? YOGA BLOWS MY MIND, OFFICIALLY. I can't figure it out.

That being said, I left class feeling very stretchy and calm. So at least I'm doing something right. Or I'm really good at tricking myself.

Today I went for a rough three mile run, did a lot of school work, and cheered the Phils on from afar. Hooray! Happy opening day! I LOVE THE PHILS!

I would wear this around.

I do have something in the works that I might get a tutu for. But that might have to be white. :)

Philadelphia Color Run, YEAH!

How do you do yoga? Help me!

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